donderdag 26 mei 2011


You might end up on this site and wonder why one would make a blog like this. You might wonder what this blog is even about. Don't worry. I'll explain everything clearly.
First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Hannah, 22 year old college student and (currently) live in the Netherlands. My hobbies include debating, politics and tennis. Although I've started doing tennis for a year, I enjoy it a lot and the reason why I do it is the reason I started this blog.

Anyway, this is not a dating site so I will stop talking too much about myself =)
I think I don't need to tell anyone of you that we people in the West have a disease.
A "wealth disease". Due to our wealth we have developed a lifestyle not suitable for our bodies.

Especially the way we eat is definitely not what Mother Nature intended for our bodies.
Our diets include high concentrations of Omega-6, high on carbs, low on proteins and lots and lots of saturated fat. Our body is developed to survive. And in that, it does a good job. It conserves every Joule of energy that we eat. These days in the western world, we do not need our bodies to be in survive-mode.
We have lots of food and our body does not have to be so careful with burning fuel.

Ellas, our bodies are still in this survive-mode meaning every ounce of fat goes straight to our belly to put it easily. People try lots of things to counteract this: Some ways include buy unique hoodia ( a diet suppressant) starving themselves, following a diet that does not work.

Needless to say starving yourself is a terrible way, diets are mostly also commercial crap. The only methods left is proper training combined with unique hoodia. It's actually funny. You might compare weight loss these days with boiling water. People boil water ( eat fat and get fatter) and then put cold water in it to balance the temperature.(use unique hoodia or go to the gym etc.) Isn't it just easier not to boil the water then you don't have to use so much cold water to balance it out.
Yes, it is a flawfull analogy about how people buy unique hoodia, but you get the point right?

Losing weight is not only a chemical reaction, but there is a psychological matter to it all.
What the psychological side is, will be dealt with in my next post. But I'll give your mind something to think about: It's all about willpower and the way your thoughts influence your acts every day).

1 opmerking:

  1. Oh yeah!, feel free to comment if you want to give me your opinion!
