dinsdag 5 juli 2011

Using thoughts to remove fat

Unique hoodia and other weight loss factors

So we discussed some matters regarding to a diet suppressant called unique hoodia. We have discussed it’s qualities and why it is different from many other scam products that are much cheaper because they are not working products. But although diet suppressants like unique hoodia are strong factors in weight loss. There are other important factors when trying to lose weight. The power of the mind is one of them and I would like to discuss this concept with you
The title might immediately alarm you. It is an abstract title indeed. How could you possibly get rid of all that fat by just using your thoughts. Bare with me here, because I’m not saying that this is a cheap episode of Heroes. Nor am I saying this because I have done hallucinogenic drugs of some sort haha. I am saying this because of a scientific study. Yes! Scientific. And although those mad scientists aren’t always right. They hit the right spot with a recent amazing study. The study used multiple groups. One group would only think about training. Another group would train for some part and actually think about their training for the other part. Another group would only think about their training and never lift a finger. In detail the groups looked something like this

Group 1: one hundred percent training, minimal thoughts about their training
Group 2: 75 percent training and 25 percent thinking about training
Group 3: fifty percent training, fifty percent thinking about their training and goals
Group 4: twenty-five percent training, and 75 percent tihking about training and their future goals
Group 5: no training at all. Only thinking about their training and goals.

What group would you think that had made the most progress. Before I saw the research and before I had even tried this concept myself I would like most people choose for group number 1. Working towards your goals with actions and minimal thinking about how to do it. But the research claimed that group number 2 had the best progress. This group was indeed training for the most part. But for a small part also used their thoughts and channelized it to think only about their training and succeeding. That means that they even outgrow number 1 which had much more physical training. How did this group do this? Well I will tell you how. Because remember besides when you buy unique hoodia there are other factors that greatly stimulate weight loss. Your thoughts are indeed also strong

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